Patient Bill of Rights
- The patient has the right to be treated with consideration, respect and dignity.
- The patient and/or the patient representative has the right to all complete and current information concerning their diagnosis and treatment and in terms that he/she can understand.
- The patient has the right to know the person or persons responsible for coordinating their care. If not medically advisable to give information to the patient, the information shall be made available to an appropriate person in the patient’s behalf.
- The patient has the right to receive from the physician enough information so that he/she may understand the services being rendered in order to sign the informed consent.
- The patient has the right to refuse treatment and to be informed of the consequences of his/her actions.
- The patient has the right to privacy of any information or treatment concerning his/her own medical care.
- The patient has the right to be informed of any persons other than routine personnel that would be observing or participating in his/her treatment and to refuse that observation and/or participation.
- The patient has the right for all medical records to be treated as confidential and given the opportunity to approve or refuse their release unless it would be cause a negative outcome in the continuation of medical care.
- The patient has the right to information concerning the facility to which he/she may have to be transferred. The facility that the patient is to be transferred to must give approval prior to the patient transfer.
- The patient has the right to know if any research will be done during his/her treatment and has the right to refuse it.
- The patient has the right to expect quality care and service from MEDRVA Stony Point Surgery Center.
- The patient has the right to be informed of the mechanism by which he/she will have continuing health care following discharge from MEDRVA Stony Point Surgery Center.
- The patient has the right to examine and receive an explanation of their bill, regardless of the source of payment.
- The patient has the right to know, in advance, the expected amount of his/her bill, regardless of the source of the payment.
- The patient has the right to know what MEDRVA Stony Point Surgery Center Rules and Regulations apply to his/her conduct as a patient.
- The patient has the right to exercise his or her rights without being subjected to discrimination or reprisal.
- The patient has the right to voice grievances regarding treatment or care that is (or fails to be) furnished.
Patient Responsibilities
- It is the patient’s responsibility to read and understand all permits and/or consents to be signed: Either ask the nurse or physician to clarify any information not understood about your care or services.
- It is the patient’s responsibility to provide complete and accurate information to the best of his/her ability about his/her health, any medications, including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements and any allergies or sensitivities.
- It is the patient’s responsibility to notify the MEDRVA Stony Point Surgery Center if you have a living will, medical power of attorney or other directive that could affect your care.
- It is the patient’s responsibility to follow the treatment plan prescribed by his/her provide and to notify MEDRVA Stony Point Surgery Center on admission if pre-operative instructions have not been followed.
- The patient is responsible for your actions if you refuse treatment or do not follow preoperative instructions.
- It is the patient’s responsibility to provide adult transportation to and from MEDRVA Stony Point Surgery Center and remain wih you for 24 hours, appropriate to the medications and/or anesthesia to be given and according to preoperative instructions.
- It is the patient’s responsibility to contact the physician if any complications occur.
- It is the patient’s responsibility to assure all payments for service rendered are on a timely basis and ultimate responsibility is the patients, regardless of the insurance coverage.
- It is the patient’s responsibility to provide financial and/or insurance information regarding who will be responsible for the bill including current address and authorized contact information.
- It is the patient’s responsibility to notify the administration of MEDRVA Stony Point Surgery Center, if the patient or the patient representative thinks their right(s) have been violated or if the patient has a significant complaint.
- It is the patient’s responsibility and those accompanying the patient to be respectful of all health care providers and staff, as well as other patients and follow the Center’s policies.
Derechos del Paciente
El personal de MEDRVA Stony Point Surgery Center promete hacer lo mejor que puede en proveer a nuestros pacientes y a sus familias de la calidad más alta de asistencia médica y servicio excelente. Además, cada paciente tiene el derecho de lo siguiente:
- Recibir asistencia médica considerada, respetuosa y segura por personal competente con credenciales apropiadas;
- Estar proveído, hasta el punto sabido, información completa en lo que se refiere al diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico; y los peligros posibles y efectos secundarios relacionados con el tratamiento;
- Estar bien informado sobre el abanico de servicios ofrecidos en la instalación, previsiones para atención emergencia, honorarios por servicios prestados y políticas de pago;
- Hacer decisiones informados en lo que se refiere a su asistencia médica y tratamiento, y recibir la información necesaria para hacer esas decisiones;
- Rechazar asistencia médica y tratamiento, y estar informada sobre las consecuencias medicales de tal rechazo;
- Rechazar participar en investigaciones experimentales;
- Tener un Directriz anticipada, como un testamento vital, como requerido según la ley o el reglamento federal o del estado;
- El derecho a la intimidad y confidencialidad del expediente médico;
- Obtener acceso a la información dentro del expediente médico dentro de un tiempo razonable cuando es solicitada;
- A márketing y propaganda del Centro que no es engañoso;
- A información adecuada en lo que se refiere a seguros para mala práctica;
- Cambiar su médico de cabecera, su médico especializado o dentista si le gustaría, y otros médicos y dentistas titulados son disponibles.
Responsabilidades del Paciente
Se considera los pacientes y sus familias como miembros que participan en el equipo de los servicios medicos y se exige que tienen un rol activo en su tratamiento y cura hasta el punto que pueda. Cada paciente tiene derechos específicos y las responsabilidades siguientes de:
- Proporcionar información completa sobre su salud, incluso enfermedades del pasado, hospitalizaciones, intervenciones quirúrgicas y el uso de medicamentos;
- Ser considerado con otros pacientes, el personal y la propiedad del Centro, y ayudar a controlar el ruido, el fumar y otras distracciones;
- Informar si entienda o no el plan de tratamiento y que tiene que hacer, y preguntar cuando se necesita aclaración;
- Acudir a las citas y, cuando no se puede por alguna razón, informar el Centro y su médico
- Seguir las instrucciones en lo que concierne a sus medicaciones y las instrucciones para antes o después de un procedimiento medical, y informar a los proveedores de servicios de salud si no entiende el plan de tratamiento o lo que esperaba de él/ella;
- Cumplir con sus obligaciones financieros al Centro;
- Proporcionar el Centro con información exacta y completa que es necesaria para pasarle la factura y para la tramitación de la reclamación;
- Informar a su médico, sin demora, cualquiera complicación;
- Expresar quejas y reclamos sin discriminación ni represalla, y que el Centro responde a sus quejas y reclamos puntualmente.