Christopher Leffler, MD

Christopher Leffler, MD

Dr. Leffler specializes in ophthalmology.


Dr. Leffler received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School. He completed his internship at Naval Hospital (Oakland), residency at Harvard School of Public Health/VCU Medical Center and fellowship at VCU Medical Center.


I would like to say that you all have a fabulous staff, especially the ones that worked with my grandson. Now and for Dr. Leffler, he is a fine eye doctor and I give it to him, he knows his job Valerie S Sep 2018
I would like to say that you all have a fabulous staff, especially the ones that worked with my grandson. Now and for Dr. Leffler, he is a fine eye doctor and I give it to him, he knows his job Valerie S Sep 2018
I would like to say that you all have a fabulous staff, especially the ones that worked with my grandson. Now and for Dr. Leffler, he is a fine eye doctor and I give it to him, he knows his job. Valerie S Aug 2018


2019 MEDRVA Patient Choice Award

2019 MEDRVA Patient Choice Award

2020 MEDRVA Patient Choice Award

2020 MEDRVA Patient Choice Award


VCU Medical Center
Department of Ophthalmology
8700 Stony Point Parkway
Suite 220
Phone: (804) 323-0830

Nelson Clinic 401 North 11th Street
Phone: (804) 828-4715